"I Will Show You Step-by-Step How To Become A Cautious Entrepreneur!"
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Start A Business
I want to start my own business but I don’t know where or how to begin.
Grow My Business
I need more customers. I want to double the profits of my business.
Who We Are
In a nutshell, we help entrepreneurs to experience freedom.
Way too many entrepreneurs are working too hard but making too little. And we’d like to help them get out of the rut.
You didn’t quit your job and start a business so you can work 14 hours a day, do you? The reason you started a business is that you want more time and more money.
Unfortunately, statistics shows that most entrepreneurs neither have the time nor the money. In fact, they work harder and longer than employees.
That’s why Jon Orana, founded Negosyo University. He’s the creator of the largest and most successful educational online programs in the Philippines.
A passionate entrepreneur and has helped thousands of small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs all around the world.
A father of three handsome boys (thanks to their mom’s genes.) Loves the beach but afraid of deep water. Loves playing basketball and he thinks he’s so good that he should be playing in NBA.
If you want to know more how to transition from employment to entrepreneurship, you need to read his love letter for you...
Jon Orana and his businesses have been featured on.

The Cautious Entrepreneur Book
By Jon Orana
Stuck in a job that you don’t like, working for an unappreciative boss, making someone else rich? In this book, you’ll discover a proven method in launching a business without "risking it all."
If you don’t know where or how to start your dream business, you must get and read this book from cover to cover.
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100 C. Palanca St.
Legaspi Village
1229 Makati City